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Monday, 2 April 2012

Boxing clever

I have just finished my last week in the public library and this week I have been mostly boxing up the entire collection in preparation for a refurbishment project.  Not that the library is getting refurbished as such. A new lift and a ramp, some council offices, a couple of new doors. I suspect that customers will expect new carpets and a lick of paint but may be disappointed. Unless they are wheelchair users in which case they will be pleased they can finally get into the library.

The hope is that while all this work is going on, they might finally discover why the power keeps going off!

The packing was extremely well managed and was completed inside a week ready for the removal team to take it all away.  It was made slightly easier by the fact that the stock is not going to be made accessible while off-site. Some carefully selected tomes have made it to the temporary facility (situated across the road from Mary Portas' knicker factory) but customers will be using other branches in the interim.

I have really enjoyed working in this environment which has been very different from my previous roles.  Now I'm looking for the next challenge. But first, the application forms...

I would be interested to hear from anyone who has undertaken a project where they have had to pack a library, and what were the associated challenges.